“LMAOOO he’s shrinking”

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A post shared by Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk1776)

In addition to the fact that it is factually incorrect (as Charlie Kirk’s response demonstrates), this post angers me because it exemplifies the flippant, stuck-up, and quite frankly moronic attitudes of those on the left-hand side of the political spectrum. 

It’s as if they look at politics as a game, as a source of entertainment, as a joke.

While I’ve been subjected to excruciating, soul-crushing pain for over four years due to government policies that violate my rights and destroy the things that my life worth living, they laugh their butts off because a person that they dislike has allegedly shrunk in size. While I logically analyze issues, make philosophical arguments to support my positions, and thoughtfully consider the best words to use in expressing my ideas, they ridicule a person because of his height. 

For me, politics matters because one of the major political parties supports forcing me to undergo medical procedures against my will, discriminating against me because of my skin color, and obliterating from existence the historical figures that I love. Politics matters because the outcome of the election may very well determine whether I have any hope of a life that is worth living. 

But to supporters of Harris and Walz, politics are apparently just one big joke. In their eyes, politics are something funny, a source of entertainment, an opportunity to ridicule, insult, and make fun of people who are different from them.

There is so much talk about white privilege, male privilege, straight privilege, cis privilege, et cetera, but no one recognizes or acknowledges the type of privilege that this “LMAOOO” post represents. This post represents true privilege: the ability to treat politics as a joke because it’s not your rights under attack, not you being shamed, sneered at, and insulted merely for existing, not your loved ones being lynched and dismembered with impunity.

Slowly and laboriously, I am working to heal from grief and pain more severe than I ever thought possible, all while fighting to preserve the few things left in this country that are worth fighting for. Meanwhile, the person who made this post is making fun of someone for shrinking as he gets older.

The things that I’ve experienced are not something that I will ever be able to laugh off, and it’s both infuriating and disturbing that those on the other side can dismiss political issues as a laughing matter.

As one of the comments on the post astutely pointed out: “Even if he’s shrinking.. is that all they’ve got? Trying to find reasons to not vote for him, and ‘shrinking’ is what they came up with.”

The attitude embodied by the “LMAOOO” post is mean-spirited, thoughtless, and completely lacking in empathy. It’s pathetic that this is the level to which political discourse has sunk in our country. 

And I don’t know about you, but I don’t find that to be particularly funny.