bookmark_borderThe best thing to do is point and laugh…

Generally, I’m not a big advocate of pointing at people and laughing. Generally, I consider this a pretty mean thing to do. But honestly, I 100% agree with the below posts from Twitchy and the Firearms Policy Coalition:

I am so utterly sick and tired of Democrats and their hurtful and intolerant words and policies. I am so tired of being insulted, attacked, shamed and ridiculed. I am so tired of the vicious, nasty, and pompous condemnations of people who have done nothing wrong. I am tired of innocent people being hurt, and then when they express their hurt, treated as if they are the problem. I am tired of people violating the rights of others, and then acting as if they’ve done something positive, something that gives them a claim to the moral high ground. I am tired of the self-righteous intolerance, tired of the bigotry mischaracterized as virtue. I am tired of the hypocrisy, the inconsistency, the double standards, the lack of logic, and more than anything else, the lack of empathy.

They hurt us, and then criticize us for being hurt.

They anger us – by taunting, insulting, ridiculing, and attacking us – and then criticize us for being angry.

They violate our rights, and then criticize us for protesting (after they themselves have spent months and months engaging in the most violent and vicious protests imaginable).

They are cruel to us, and then accuse us of being cruel.

They exclude us for being different, and then accuse us of exclusion.

They engage in a campaign of systematic obliteration of all diversity from our world, and then pontificate about the importance of diversity.

They insult us because of our skin color, and then accuse us of being racist.

They condemn us for being “insurrectionists” and “traitors” – as if resisting authority is self-evidently pejorative – and then characterize themselves as “fighting back” and “the resistance.”

They have demonstrated, again and again, the most abject and appalling lack of empathy imaginable, and then accuse us of lacking empathy.

For so long, Democrats have pointed and laughed – and far worse – at people who have done nothing whatsoever to deserve such treatment. For so long, Democrats have piled on – inflicting additional pain and harm on people who are already hurting – and then acted as if this somehow constitutes moral virtue. It’s past time that they get a taste of their own medicine. Maybe then they will actually understand the magnitude, the severity, the sheer enormity, of harm that they have caused and the pain that they have inflicted.