“Faith Lift” column about Christopher Columbus

Check out this positive article about Christopher Columbus – a rare thing in today’s society. Written by Canadian pastor and columnist Rob Weatherby, it outlines six types of danger that Columbus faced and triumphed over: the risk of encountering sea monsters and/or falling off the edge of the earth (both considered serious possibilities at the time), the risk of violent storms, the risk of running into a wind-free spell and getting stuck, the risk of encountering rival Portuguese explorers, the risk posed by hostile native tribes, and the risk of mutiny by his own crew.

As the author points out, these factors “underscore the immense courage of Columbus.” Sadly, to many people in our society, courage such as that which Columbus displayed, is not valued. Being remarkable, standing out, and doing magnificent things is not valued. Instead, the only thing that is valued, for so many in our society, is compliance, sameness, and mindless conformity. That is what is motivating the atrocities that have been committed against Christopher Columbus over the past five years.