bookmark_border“LMAOOO he’s shrinking”

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In addition to the fact that it is factually incorrect (as Charlie Kirk’s response demonstrates), this post angers me because it exemplifies the flippant, stuck-up, and quite frankly moronic attitudes of those on the left-hand side of the political spectrum. 

It’s as if they look at politics as a game, as a source of entertainment, as a joke.

While I’ve been subjected to excruciating, soul-crushing pain for over four years due to government policies that violate my rights and destroy the things that my life worth living, they laugh their butts off because a person that they dislike has allegedly shrunk in size. While I logically analyze issues, make philosophical arguments to support my positions, and thoughtfully consider the best words to use in expressing my ideas, they ridicule a person because of his height. 

For me, politics matters because one of the major political parties supports forcing me to undergo medical procedures against my will, discriminating against me because of my skin color, and obliterating from existence the historical figures that I love. Politics matters because the outcome of the election may very well determine whether I have any hope of a life that is worth living. 

But to supporters of Harris and Walz, politics are apparently just one big joke. In their eyes, politics are something funny, a source of entertainment, an opportunity to ridicule, insult, and make fun of people who are different from them.

There is so much talk about white privilege, male privilege, straight privilege, cis privilege, et cetera, but no one recognizes or acknowledges the type of privilege that this “LMAOOO” post represents. This post represents true privilege: the ability to treat politics as a joke because it’s not your rights under attack, not you being shamed, sneered at, and insulted merely for existing, not your loved ones being lynched and dismembered with impunity.

Slowly and laboriously, I am working to heal from grief and pain more severe than I ever thought possible, all while fighting to preserve the few things left in this country that are worth fighting for. Meanwhile, the person who made this post is making fun of someone for shrinking as he gets older.

The things that I’ve experienced are not something that I will ever be able to laugh off, and it’s both infuriating and disturbing that those on the other side can dismiss political issues as a laughing matter.

As one of the comments on the post astutely pointed out: “Even if he’s shrinking.. is that all they’ve got? Trying to find reasons to not vote for him, and ‘shrinking’ is what they came up with.”

The attitude embodied by the “LMAOOO” post is mean-spirited, thoughtless, and completely lacking in empathy. It’s pathetic that this is the level to which political discourse has sunk in our country. 

And I don’t know about you, but I don’t find that to be particularly funny. 

bookmark_borderAn example of the bias of Yahoo News

While checking my email the other day, I came across this infuriating set of headlines on Yahoo:

I can almost hear the awe and admiration in the author’s voice when reading the headline about Harris’s “historic speech” as the “first Black woman and first person of South Asian descent to accept a major party’s presidential nomination.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s reason for doubting election results is sneeringly dismissed as “baseless.” 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: News articles and headlines are required to be neutral. This is the entire purpose of the news media. News articles, and their headlines, must contain information only, without opinions or value judgments.

Despite this, Yahoo, as well as other media outlets, has a pattern of consistently portraying one party’s politicians in glowing terms while criticizing, condemning, shaming, attacking, and calling attention to every possible negative thing about, political figures of the other party. Because the things that have been going on in this country over the past few years are so triggering to me, I almost never read news articles. Yahoo’s disdain for people whose political views differ from those of the establishment is so blatant that its existence is obvious merely from looking at headlines. Given that the entire purpose of the news media is to present facts only, and to abstain entirely from voicing opinions, this situation is completely unacceptable.

To characterize something as “baseless” is an insult, not a piece of information. Therefore, it is unacceptable for a news headline to contain this word. (Unless it is part of a quote by a person whom the article is quoting… but that is not the case here. “Baseless” is the headline writer’s own word.)

It is mentally exhausting to be made to feel shamed, insulted, and attacked day in and day out for having political beliefs that are different from the majority. Shame on Yahoo for their repeated use of bigoted, biased, pejorative, and sneering headlines.

bookmark_borderOveranalyzing the pro-Palestine posters in Malden

Lately, I have been seeing various pro-Palestine posters and stickers taped to stop signs and streetlights around my town. One such example is the below poster, which was displayed at the pond near my house:

The first thing that stood out to me upon reading the poster was that the pro-Palestine groups or individuals who put this up poster chose, in arguing against using tax dollars to fund Israel’s weapons, to list different expenses that the tax dollars could be spent on instead, rather than arguing that the tax dollars simply be returned to the people from whom they were taken.

I guess there is nothing wrong with providing households with public housing or solar electricity, as long as the selection process is fair. Same with elementary school teachers and N95 masks.

But I’m puzzled that the flyer mentions specifically that 326 children could be provided with healthcare. Why isn’t providing adults with health services considered a worthy goal? Health services are something that apply to all ages equally, after all.

And advocating that tax money be used to cancel the student loan debt of 24 people is even more problematic. Canceling student loan debt is discriminatory and unfair. People made sacrifices to save up for college under the assumption that if they didn’t, they would have to take out loans and pay the money back. When loan debt is canceled, people who saved up are stuck having paid for college, while those who chose not to save are rewarded by having college made free. You simply cannot make a product free after some people have already paid for it, because that makes the product free for some people and not others. I would much rather see tax money spent on weapons for Israel, or almost anything for that matter, than this. 

As I alluded to earlier, the best argument against spending $939,024 on Israel’s weapons is the fact that the government could instead simply return this money to taxpayers, or even better, not collect it in the first place. This solution is the simplest and fairest one. Allowing people to keep more of their own money benefits everyone, not just politically favored demographic categories. Why doesn’t the poster advocate for this instead?

Probably because benefiting politically favored demographic categories is exactly what the left values. 

To end this post on a somewhat happy note, it seems that another Malden resident isn’t a fan of the pro-Palestine posters either. This is what happened to an identical poster on a nearby light post:

bookmark_borderUnder Biden, American leadership stands for, not against, tyranny and oppression

On April 24, President Biden signed a massive foreign aid package including $61 billion to help Ukraine and $26 billion to help Israel. In addition to the fact that spending billions of dollars of tax money to interfere in conflicts between other countries is immoral and unfair (both to the countries that the US is siding against and to taxpayers), I was struck by the hypocrisy of the following comment that Biden made.

Biden said: “Congress has passed my legislation to strengthen our national security and send a message to the world about the power of American leadership: we stand resolutely for democracy and freedom, and against tyranny and oppression.”

How can Biden say that he stands for freedom, and against tyranny and oppression, when he has actively worked to take away the freedoms of Americans, and to impose tyranny and oppression in his own country?

There is no freedom more important than the freedom to decline medical intervention, and there is nothing more antithetical to the idea of freedom than requiring people to undergo a medical procedure. Yet that is exactly what Biden did with his executive order forcing all people at companies with 100 or more employees to submit to either the covid vaccine or weekly covid testing. It is ridiculous for the person who implemented this policy to claim that he stands for freedom. And it is preposterous for Biden to purport to oppose tyranny and oppression when he has actively worked to impose these very things on his own people.

Any person who supports vaccine mandates has no business giving lip service to freedom, full stop.

(An identical argument could also be made regarding Biden’s position on gun rights, among other issues.)

It’s also worth noting that Biden, like so many people in today’s society, makes the mistake of mentioning democracy and freedom together as if they are basically the same thing. Sen. Chuck Schumer did the same when he said: “Today the Senate sends a unified message to the entire world: America will always defend democracy in its hour of need.” But in reality, democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a system of government in which the majority is able to violate the rights of unpopular minorities, which makes it closer to being the opposite of freedom than a synonym for it. Democracy belongs in the same category as tyranny and oppression more than it belongs in the same category as freedom. 

Thanks to Biden and his administration, American leadership does not stand for freedom, let alone resolutely, nor does American leadership stand against tyranny or oppression. The exact opposite (with one exception) of what Biden said is unfortunately the case. Under the Biden administration, American leadership stands resolutely for democracy, tyranny, and oppression, and against freedom. 

Sad but true.

bookmark_borderThe cowardice of Glenn Youngkin

Two days ago, the Virginia bills whose goal is to hurt people as badly as possible failed to become law. 

According to the Virginia Flaggers, an organization fighting against the bills, Governor Glenn Youngkin “sent the partisan bills back to the general assembly with amendments that include requiring them to be approved again in the 2025 legislative session after additional studies, essentially kicking them down the road.”

Although it is obviously a good thing that the repugnant and sickening bills did not become law (at least not yet), I’m exasperated by Youngkin’s failure to take a more definitive stand against them.

Youngkin should have made a forceful public statement unequivocally condemning these bills. 

He should have said:

These bills hurt people.

These bills are immoral.

It is immoral to introduce, sponsor, or vote in favor of bills that accomplish nothing other than hurting, as badly as possible, people who are different from the majority

These bills are absolutely disgusting, despicable, and reprehensible.

In fact, it’s disgusting, despicable, and reprehensible that anyone would even remotely consider supporting such bills as these. 

Youngkin should have condemned the repugnant and sickening bills in the strongest possible terms. He should have done so publicly, unabashedly, and without equivocation.

Instead, he waited until the final hour to take action, and it was an equivocal and wishy-washy action at that. Youngkin waited until the deadline for taking action on the bills; if he had done nothing they would automatically have become law. And he didn’t even veto them outright. He sent them back to the general assembly, which (sickeningly) leaves open the possibility that they could still be passed next year. 

Although I’m glad the bills won’t be getting passed this year, the fact that a horrifying, abominable, unimaginably disgusting thing has merely been kicked down the road is not a victory. The moral truth is that bills like these shouldn’t exist at all. No one should introduce them, no one should support them, no one should vote in favor of them. No one should even remotely think that anything even remotely resembling these bills is even a remotely good idea. I want there to actually be positive bills to support, efforts to enact positive change, potential for positive news, rather than fighting with all my might in a (usually futile) effort to prevent new atrocities from occurring. I’m tired of existing in a world in which staving off horrific outcomes is the best that I can hope for. 

Youngkin’s cowardice is exasperating, demoralizing, and discouraging. 

bookmark_borderImagine holding the exact same views…

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100% correct.

As is the first comment on the post, which reads as follows: “How come whenever I talk to my non-Democrat (Republicans/Libertarians) friends they’re capable of mutual conversation of differing political opinions, and can critique those they vote and support for and their policies. But my leftist/Dem friends aren’t capable of criticizing anyone in the Democrat Party, policies, etc. It’s almost like they’re a cult or something and incapable of individual and critical thinking” (comment edited slightly by me for typos)


bookmark_borderIf you tell people they can’t speak…

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This is 100% true and resonates with me deeply. It applies not only to the Capitol protest on January 6 but to the Charlottesville rally in 2017 as well. When you tell people that their views are unacceptable and that they are not allowed to express them, when you call people shameful, bad, and wrong, when you mock and ridicule and condemn them, when you inflict pain on people and insist that they are the ones who should apologize to you, when you fail to address people’s complaints, objections, and concerns and instead tell them that they need to stop having those complaints, objections, and concerns… people are going to feel that violent revolution is the only option. And when violence happens, it’s not on them, it’s on you. 

bookmark_border“Anti-Trump Burnout: The Resistance Says It’s Exhausted”

I recently came across an article titled, “Anti-Trump Burnout: The Resistance Says It’s Exhausted.”

This headline confuses me, because people who are anti-Trump are the opposite of the resistance. They are the authority. They are the establishment. They are the people who run the institutions of our society, who hold the power. They are, as hippies would say, the “man.”

This headline is a contradiction in terms, because in reality, Trump and his supporters are the resistance. 

That’s why people were arrested en masse for protesting at the Capitol building in support of him on January 6, 2021.

That’s why one of those protesters was killed by a police officer, and why society almost unanimously reacted to her death by viciously insulting, condemning, ridiculing, and shaming her as opposed to the police officer who killed her. 

That’s why Trump was banned from all of the major social media networks.

That’s why he has been charged in four different criminal cases.

That’s why states have removed his name from their ballots.

That’s why the term “MAGA Republicans” – an abbreviation for Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” – is used as an insult. 

That’s why it is considered socially unacceptable to say that you support Trump, or that you voted for him. 

That’s why, when hundreds of people personally attacked me on social media for expressing my support for statues, one such person noted the fact that I had once retweeted a pro-Trump post and summarily classified me as “human garbage.”

Nothing could be more twisted, or more wrong, than to call the people who control society and use their power to harm and oppress others, the resistance.

It’s also completely lacking in empathy that the so-called “resistance” – which in reality is the anti-resistance – would characterize itself as “exhausted.” There is nothing exhausting about holding all of the power in society and using it to harm and oppress other people. Trump and his supporters are the ones being harmed and oppressed. We are the ones with no power. We, and not the people harming us, have reason to be exhausted. The anti-resistance has nothing to complain about: if harming and oppressing others is so exhausting to you, then stop doing it.