bookmark_borderCNN’s despicable coverage of the Washington D.C. plane crash

Over the past few weeks, I’ve progressed far enough in my recovery from PTSD to be able to occasionally watch news again. Recently, I watched coverage of President Trump’s inauguration, and also of the tragic plane crash in Washington D.C., on Fox News. As heartbreaking as the latter topic has been, it is a positive development for me personally that I am once again (to some extent, at least) able to keep up to date with the happenings in the world. 

Unfortunately, while in a public place, I had the misfortune of passing by a TV that was tuned to CNN. And it was immediately apparent that I haven’t progressed far enough in my recovery to be able to watch CNN. Perhaps I never will. I was only able to watch for a few moments before becoming so disgusted that I had to walk away, but what I saw and heard was absolutely infuriating.

“Trump baselessly blames Democrats, DEI for plane crash,” read the headline at the bottom of the screen. It’s disgraceful that CNN would choose to include the word “baselessly” in this headline. Whether or not the blame is baseless, is a value judgment. It is a matter of opinion. Some people think Trump was correct to blame Democrats and DEI for the crash, while some people think he was incorrect. By claiming that Trump was “baselessly” blaming Democrats and DEI, CNN is clearly expressing the latter opinion. But news outlets are not supposed to state opinions. They are supposed to state only facts. For CNN to express a negative opinion of Trump in its headline is despicable. The headline should read, “Trump blames Democrats, DEI for plane crash.” There’s no reason whatsoever to put the word “baselessly” in this headline.

Next, a commentator contrasted Trump’s response to the plane crash with the ways that previous presidents handled various tragedies. As images of the wreckage of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building were shown on the screen, the commentator characterized Timothy McVeigh as a “right-wing terrorist.” Seemingly unaware of the irony of his words, the commentator proceeded to lecture viewers about how Bill Clinton “brought the country together” in the wake of the bombing, rather than reacting with blame and division as Trump (allegedly) did with the plane crash.

This is ironic because mentioning McVeigh’s ideology is the antithesis of bringing the country together. Like the use of the word “baselessly” in their headline, there is absolutely no reason for CNN to mention McVeigh’s ideology. Yet this commentator went out of his way to do so. This serves no purpose other than to insult and criticize right-wing people in their entirety by implying that they, as a group, are somehow associated with terrorism and/or more likely to commit terrorist acts than people of other ideologies. The commentator should have simply characterized McVeigh as a terrorist. Like with the use of the word “baselessly,” CNN’s decision to mention McVeigh’s ideology is despicable. It is also partisan and divisive, which is hypocritical given that those are the exact qualities that the commentator criticizes Trump for displaying.

CNN is supposed to be a news station. But instead, it has become a platform for stuck-up, condescending, and self-righteous people to insult those who are different from themselves. The behavior that I witnessed in the few seconds that I watched CNN – before my disgust forced me to walk away from the TV – was nasty, cruel, pompous, judgmental, mean-spirited, and unprofessional. CNN has no right to be regarded as a legitimate news outlet until this disgraceful behavior permanently comes to an end.

bookmark_borderCNN’s disgrace

The job of any reporter or journalist is to provide information in a neutral and factual way. The individuals who purported to be serving as reporters and journalists on CNN this afternoon failed abjectly and miserably in this duty.

I made the poor decision of turning on the TV to watch coverage of the brave patriots who were fighting back against authoritarianism in Washington, D.C. The way that the employees of CNN covered this topic was so egregiously biased that I simultaneously felt sick to my stomach and could not stop watching. One vicious insult after another flowed from the lips of the CNN employees. Some of the words used included:

  • “Shameful”
  • “Absolutely disgraceful”
  • “Treasonous”
  • “Disgusting”
  • “Revolting”
  • “Deplorable”
  • “Deranged”
  • “Unacceptable”
  • “Ridiculous”
  • “Deranged”
  • “Thugs”
  • “Knuckleheads”
  • “Wannabe weekend warriors”
  • “Criminals”
  • “Insurrectionists”
  • “Mob”
  • “Rioters”
  • “Domestic terrorists”

These are what managed to pass for headlines, with the words “mob” and “rioters” used matter-of-factly as if they were somehow objective terms:

As if this were not enough, so-called anchor Anderson Cooper ridiculed the protesters for high-fiving each other and smiling, calling this a “deplorable display” and adding that they “stood up for nothing other than mayhem.” He opined, preposterously, that the protesters had nothing to feel aggrieved about because for years gay people were not allowed to marry. He described the situation as completely Trump’s fault and criticized Trump’s family for being “enablers.” Reprehensibly, he described an individual protester wearing colonial garb as a “buffoon.” And he pompously and contemptuously declared, “They’re not protesters, they’re insurrectionists.” Van Jones said of the protests, “We need to snuff this out” and demanded a “uniform denunciation” from the Republican Party. Wolf Blitzer claimed that the protesters “probably are too stupid to know” that they could be arrested. Several alleged journalists on CNN compared the situation to the Black Lives Matter protests and implored viewers to imagine if today’s protesters were black people or Muslims (seemingly implying that they would have been treated worse if that had been the case). 

In addition to Cooper, Jones, and Blitzer, other CNN employees who behaved completely disgracefully today include John King, Abby Phillip, Gloria Borger, and Kaitlan Collins. There are probably more that I am missing. 

The type of language used by these people would be unacceptable even in an editorial or opinion piece. In news coverage, it is beyond preposterous. It does not matter what the subject matter is; every person who claims to be a reporter or journalist must present it in a neutral way. When one is supposed to be covering the news, expressing opinions is not okay, let alone expressing them in a way that involves vile personal insults. Neither Osama bin Laden nor Saddam Hussein nor Adolf Hitler nor Jeffrey Dahmer deserved to be described the way the CNN employees described the pro-Trump protesters today. Each and every individual who spoke on CNN this afternoon needs, at the absolute least, to be fired immediately.