bookmark_border“Elon Musk is trying to access your personal bank and tax data”

Sen. Adam Schiff recently stated: 

“Elon Musk is trying to access your personal bank and tax data. The world’s richest man should not and cannot be able to snoop around your personal finances. Period. End of story.”

This response by a user called Chaotic Good is spot on:

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Personally, I find it rich that Schiff would complain about Musk being able to “snoop around” people’s personal data when he and his party demanded that people be required to provide personal medical information in order to be allowed to work, attend school, eat at restaurants, work out at gyms, or attend public events. This demonstrates a great deal of hypocrisy, lack of logic, and moral inconsistency, in my opinion. Why does Schiff care about people’s privacy now, when Musk is allegedly violating it, after he and his party spent years actively violating people’s medical privacy and personally insulting anyone who objected to these policies as selfish, irresponsible, ignorant, ridiculous, and stupid?

Also, it’s a bit puzzling that Schiff feels the needs to point out that Musk is the world’s richest man. Musk’s economic status doesn’t have anything to do with which data, if any, he should be able to access. Therefore, there really isn’t any reason to mention this. It’s almost as if Shiff thinks that being the world’s richest man is inherently something negative, and somehow makes Musk inherently bad and untrustworthy.

What Schiff should be saying is: Governments, companies, and other institutions should not and cannot be able to require people to undergo medical procedures. Period. End of story.

That is what is important. That is what is worth being outraged and upset about. Not Musk’s access to data.

bookmark_borderLight in the darkness

Things have not been great for me lately. Life has felt heavy and dark, for various reasons. I am sick and tired of the cruelty, the nastiness, the self-righteous intolerance, and the hypocrisy of so many people. I am sick of being condemned as “cruel” and “un-American,” by the very same people who have spent the past five years unleashing an avalanche of shocking cruelty. I am sick of pompous lectures about the importance of diversity and inclusion by the very same people who have waged a merciless campaign to obliterate all diversity from the earth and to ensure that people who are different from the norm cannot feel included anywhere. I’m sick of words being used to mean the opposite of what they actually mean. I’m sick of people brutally attacking those who have done nothing wrong and then calling their victims cruel. I am sick of it, and it is taking a heavy toll on my mental health. 

But I’m not making this post to write about all of the things I’m sick of (although I’ve ended up writing quite a long paragraph about this topic). I’m making this post to draw attention to a few things that have brought a smile to my face in these dark times. Hopefully these things will bring a smile to your face as well:

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bookmark_border“No one elected Elon Musk”

“No one elected Elon Musk,” Democrats have been pompously stating (see an example here). 

This statement is angering for several reasons:

First of all, it is hypocritical. As various commentators on the post linked above have pointed out, no one elected Kamala Harris, or Bill Gates for the matter, yet Democrats aren’t complaining about them. 

Second, a good argument can be made that people did, indeed, elect Elon Musk. As DC Draino explains in the post linked above, Trump campaigned with Musk and made it clear that Musk would play a role in his government. Trump also campaigned on the idea of cutting wasteful government spending, which is exactly what Musk and his Department of Government Efficiency are doing. A majority of people voted for Trump, knowing that Musk would be part of his administration; therefore people did, arguably, elect Musk.

Third, even if no one elected Elon Musk, so what? Because taxation is morally bad, and government spending requires taxation, government spending is morally bad. Spending should be kept to an absolute minimum in order to keep taxation to an absolute minimum. Therefore, the steps that Musk and DOGE have taken to cut government spending are morally good. And this is true regardless of whether anyone elected Musk, and regardless of whether anyone voted in favor of the things that Musk and DOGE are doing. Moral right and wrong are completely independent of what anyone voted for.

As Robert Kroese points out in a tweet that is quoted in the post linked above, “I didn’t vote for the FBI, ATF, CIA, PBS, NPR, FDA, WHO, UN, IRS, Federal Reserve, EPA or CDC.”

And I didn’t vote for the historical figures that I love to be brutally murdered, or for all people who work at a company with over 100 employees to be forced to undergo a medical procedure.

Yet Democrats did these things anyway.

For them to pompously condemn and shame Musk and Trump for actually doing something good with the government, is reprehensible.