Columbus Day ceremony in Washington, DC

A bit late on this one, but better late than never. Here are some photos and videos from the National Columbus Day Ceremony in Washington, D.C. 

Speech by the ambassador from Spain. Source: Facebook post from the Spanish Embassy.

A special ceremony yesterday in Washington DC to celebrate Columbus Day. The Italian Embassy is celebrating Italian Americans and all that they have done to help realize the full promise of America for generations.” Source: Facebook post from the Italian Embassy.

Various photos from the day’s events. Source: Facebook post from National Christopher Columbus Association.

More photos of the day’s events. Source: Facebook post from the DC Knights of Columbus.

An informative post about the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain. Source: Facebook post from the National Park Service.

Even more photos of the day’s events. Source: Facebook post from Thomas Stallone.

Information about the day’s events. Source: Facebook post from the Italian American Museum of Washington DC.

Photos from the mass honoring Columbus! Source: Facebook post from the DC Knights of Columbus.

Columbus Day wishes. Source: Facebook post from the National Christopher Columbus Association.