Update from Valor Memorial Park

Valor Memorial Park, a park in North Carolina honoring all veterans, continues to grow. Here is their latest update:

“We’ve started the rock flower bed around Chatham. It will be like Davidson. The rocks are granite…donated from Joes worksite. There will be a sidewalk on the outside of that, a brick column at each corner with lights on top, and brick benches off the columns. We’ll be there all day Sunday.”

It is cool to see the work being done to beautify and honor these statues. Read more and see pictures at their Facebook post.

Columbus Statue Rededication Ceremony in Mineola, NY

On Saturday, October 12 at 10:00 am, the John Michael Marino Lodge and Loggia Glen Cove of the Sons of Italy will be holding a rededication ceremony for the Christopher Columbus statue in Mineola, NY. The statue was not viciously attacked like so many have been in recent years, but was showing wear and tear due to being 60 years old. “This project not only revitalizes a beloved monument but also ensures that it remains a symbol of our rich Italian heritage and cultural pride for generations to come,” said a press release from the statue revitalization committee.

See more details at this Facebook post.